
Projects and versions

Scrapyd can manage multiple projects and each project can have multiple versions uploaded, but only the latest one will be used for launching new spiders.

A common (and useful) convention to use for the version name is the revision number of the version control tool you’re using to track your Scrapy project code. For example: r23. The versions are not compared alphabetically but using a smarter algorithm (the same distutils uses) so r10 compares greater to r9, for example.

How Scrapyd works

Scrapyd is an application (typically run as a daemon) that listens to requests for spiders to run and spawns a process for each one, which basically executes:

scrapy crawl myspider

Scrapyd also runs multiple processes in parallel, allocating them in a fixed number of slots given by the max_proc and max_proc_per_cpu options, starting as many processes as possible to handle the load.

In addition to dispatching and managing processes, Scrapyd provides a JSON web service to upload new project versions (as eggs) and schedule spiders. This feature is optional and can be disabled if you want to implement your own custom Scrapyd. The components are pluggable and can be changed, if you’re familiar with the Twisted Application Framework which Scrapyd is implemented in.

Starting from 0.11, Scrapyd also provides a minimal web interface.

Starting Scrapyd

To start the service, use the scrapyd command provided in the Scrapy distribution:


That should get your Scrapyd started.

Scheduling a spider run

To schedule a spider run:

$ curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=myproject -d spider=spider2
{"status": "ok", "jobid": "26d1b1a6d6f111e0be5c001e648c57f8"}

For more resources see: API for more available resources.

Web Interface

Scrapyd comes with a minimal web interface (for monitoring running processes and accessing logs) which can be accessed at http://localhost:6800/

Alternatively, you can use ScrapydWeb to manage your Scrapyd cluster.